Creative New Year's Resolutions

I don't know about you, but I still succumb to the lure of new year's resolutions. Of course, making more time to be creative always fall to the top of my list. This year, I decided to really challenge myself and take part in a sewing challenge. I signed-up for the Wardrobe Refashion Challenge. Because I'm a wimp, I only signed on for two months, but I'm hoping to improve my sewing skills and jump start my creativity while I save a bit of cash. Not that I buy that many clothes for myself. I don't really like the way anything looks on me lately. Which leads me to my next resolution-get healthy (read lose weight). I think I've only had one year in my adult life when that wasn't a necessary resolution.

What are your plans for the new year? If you have committed to being more creative, be sure to check-out my upcoming newsletter as I'll be listing some of my favorite creative challenge websites. The newsletter will go out next week and I'll give you a heads-up when it does. In the meantime, what are your resolutions? Or have you decided not to play into resolutions this year?

By the way, here's my Wardrobe Refashion Pledge:

I, Laura Bray, pledge that I shall abstain from the purchase of "new" manufactured items of clothing, for the period of 2 months. I pledge that I shall refashion, renovate, and recycle preloved items for myself with my own hands in fabric, yarn or other medium for the term of my contract. I pledge that I will share the love and post a photo of my refashioned, renovoted, recycled, crafted or created item of clothing on the Wardrobe Refashion blog, so that others may share the joy that thy thriftiness brings!


Unknown said…
I found you through Wardrobe Refashion. I love Anthro for inspiration. I like to recreate things I see there. Who can afford $200 dresses?

I love doing resolutions every year. I usually pick like 5 things, but I haven't posted mine on my blog yet.
good luck! can't wait to see what you do! I have a few recycled resolutions floating around from last year...but the main one is to be ahead of the game. So far good. (knock on wood)

miss you. we should hook up for coffee
Kelly Snelling said…
good for you! i look forward to seeing some of your upcycled outfits. i was reading a blog just before the new year of a girl who made two identical brown dresses and wore only this brown dress for An Entire YEAR! she added a sweater or tights or a shirt but it was always at the base of this dress. i can't remember for sure but i think she didn't buy any clothes for the year either. it kind of blew my mind. i love clothes. a whole year in a brown dress would be tough. i could pledge to wear it once a week for a year. that i could do. but i would still probably think about burning it at the end of that year. i like the idea of recycling and reusing what we have very much. i think it is a wonderful idea to get together with friends and trade the clothes that no longer fit or that you are just tired of. something new to you. good luck with it, laura. and happy new year!
Pam Hoffman said…
LOL, I haven't bought anything in clothes for probably better than a year, maybe even two...

Not for lack of wanting (though i HATE shopping and i hardly ever find what i want or anything that really looks good, i don't fit many 'molds' out there ;).

The last thing I tried to make on my sewing machine kind of broke it...

So, you are very brave and, hopefully, have the tools to work with.

My sewing machine hasn't been the same since. It always WAS a bit cranky.

Have fun! The 'ReFashion' site looks interesting.

Pam Hoffman
Lolly said…
Happy New Year, Laura. I hear you about getting healthy (read lose major weight for me) and being creative. They kind of go hand in hand in my case, because the better I feel physically and emotionally, the more creative I am.


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