Water, water everywhere...

If you have been wondering where I have been lately, it's underwater! Not quite, but almost. We had a flood at our house last week & it is much worse than we originally thought. I even had to move out for a couple of days with my baby so that they could dry us out. It seems like we are finally on the road to recovery now. I hate having my home torn up. I'm very house proud and a nester, so when my home is trashed I feel like I am too.

Being Miss Mary Sunshine, I've decided that my new love of painting with watercolors was born out of the flood. On Friday the 13th (the day of the flood-ironic, no?) I decided to do some sketches and fill them in with watercolors, and now I'm a woman possessed. I'd like to believe that the universe sent the water to me to help me discover this joy. Of course, I would also like to believe I would have gotten the message without the destruction, but who am I to question that great beyond? Here are a couple of the new watercolors:

The pictures of the sweet treats really make me happy. I was inspired by my new favorite blog, Every Day is a Holiday.

I'm also drawing food right now because I'm trying to lose weight! Have you read the fabulous book, Our Lady of Weightloss by Janice Taylor? Too fun! Make sure you visit her site and sign-up for her free newsletter.


Anonymous said…
Yummm those cupcakes look awsome. Sorry to hear about your house I too am a nester and when things arent right neither am I. I hope all is getting back into place for you. Cherie Fiskateer #1160

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