sometimes the only way forward is back

Call it a midlife crisis.

I miss the old days of blogging. Back when we weren't monetizing our blogs. Back in 2006 when I started this blog, katydiddys, blogs were about sharing our thoughts and creating a community. They weren't there to tell you what to do. There weren't step-out tutorials. There weren't long articles about how to live authentically. There weren't sponsored posts. The community felt like a neighborhood. A neighborhood where we would often see one another out in our yard, hanging laundry, so we would hang over the fence and chat awhile. I miss that.

Then, I realized that I could get it back. This little blog, katydiddys, has been quietly waiting for me all this time. Sure, all her content has been transferred over to my business website, but she still sat here, like a forgotten child's toy, waiting for me to come over here and play with her again. To reconnect with why I started my creative journey in the first place.

So I'm going to do just that. I'm not going to put up fancy side bar links. I'm not going have sponsors or paid advertising. I'm not going to worry about SEO. I'm not going to write long craft tutorials. I feel like I already have enough information coming at me on an hourly basis, so I'm not planning to contribute to the onslaught. Not here anyway.

Instead, I'm going to lean over my back fence, see if you are in your yard, and strike up a conversation. Maybe we can only talk for a minute while you drink your coffee in the morning, but I hope you will check-in over here for the next month or two while I try this little experiment and see what I'm saying. Maybe see what I have made, where I went, what I cooked, how I feel about being the mom of a thirteen year old girl (any advice would be greatly appreciated), what it feels like to be in my late forties, even what I'm reading. I'll try to share pretty pictures and write inspiring posts, you try to write me back in the comments when you can. Maybe we can become friends in real life or maybe even pen pals. Deal?

Let's bring back the good old days. What do you think? Are you with me? Let's get started.


Diane Mars said…
Im with you I do miss the old days of Blogging I think I will keep my side bar for now but I never had sponsors on my Blog!
Marcia said…
Glad to see katydiddy back

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