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Creative New Year's Resolutions

I don't know about you, but I still succumb to the lure of new year's resolutions. Of course, making more time to be creative always fall to the top of my list. This year, I decided to really challenge myself and take part in a sewing challenge. I signed-up for the Wardrobe Refashion Challenge. Because I'm a wimp, I only signed on for two months, but I'm hoping to improve my sewing skills and jump start my creativity while I save a bit of cash. Not that I buy that many clothes for myself. I don't really like the way anything looks on me lately. Which leads me to my next resolution-get healthy (read lose weight). I think I've only had one year in my adult life when that wasn't a necessary resolution. What are your plans for the new year? If you have committed to being more creative, be sure to check-out my upcoming newsletter as I'll be listing some of my favorite creative challenge websites. The newsletter will go out next week and I'll...

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